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Sukces na 5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from plants to pharmacy shelf

The Department of Pharmacognosy and Biomaterials, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, under the guidance of Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek, achieved remarkable success at the prestigious 5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from plants to pharmacy shelf, held in Bulgaria from May 30th to June 2nd, 2023.


The conference showcased the expertise of our esteemed researchers, with captivating presentations delivered by Dr Elżbieta Studzińska-Sroka, Anna Stasilowicz-Krzemień, Natalia Rosiak, Anna Gościniak, Ewa Garbiec, and Ovinuchi Ejiohuo. Their presentations spanned a wide range of topics, demonstrating the department's extensive knowledge and research capabilities.


We take immense pride in the outstanding achievements of our team members. Anna Stasilowicz-Krzemień was honoured with the award for the best oral presentation, recognizing her exceptional delivery and content. Additionally, Ovinuchi Ejiohuo received the award for the best poster presentation, further highlighting the department's commitment to excellence.


Participating in this enlightening conference has ignited a renewed passion for innovative research within our department. The wealth of knowledge gained from the enriching lectures and research shared during the event has provided our team with fresh perspectives for both current and future projects.


Moving forward, we are inspired to embark on even more ground-breaking research endeavours, leveraging the valuable insights gained from the conference. Our dedicated researchers are eager to channel their motivation and expertise into advancing the field of pharmacognosy and biomaterials, ultimately contributing to the development of novel pharmaceutical solutions.


Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of scientific exploration and deliver cutting-edge advancements in our pursuit of ground-breaking discoveries in natural product utilization.

Image L-R: Anna Stasilowicz-Krzemień, Anna Gościniak, Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek, Ovinuchi Ejiohuo, Ewa Garbiec, Natalia Rosiak, Dr Elżbieta Studzińska-Sroka